
Interdisciplinary Committee

The Interdisciplinary Committee is to support interdisciplinary education at Cal Poly by helping students develop a technical understanding of other disciplines and empathy for other disciplines. This committee performs the following functions:

  1. Develop ideas and strategies which will allow for a greater level of collaboration across multiple industry-related disciplines
  2. Interact with the faculty, as well as other departments and schools to educate our goals and create related learning opportunities
  3. Report to the Managing Directors Committee strategies and initiatives which may be considered for implementation

2-Year Goal

  • Support curriculum (Technical Understanding of other Disciplines)
    • Collect Metrics (a survey) – Reach out to alumni who took the interdisciplinary courses and get their feedback – what worked, what didn’t
    • Support recreation of EDES 101 (15K-20K / year budget required)
    • Create a “Cohort” of interdisciplinary study
  • Support connections/relationships (Develop Empathy for other Disciplines)
    • Support Interdisciplinary Club fundraising and help students advertise
    • Co-host mixers between CAED
    • Create interdisciplinary committees within other departments << No committees in the other departments yet
    • Get Department Heads unified in promoting the understanding of interdisciplinary study and interaction between the schools
  • Both:
    • Interdisciplinary Guest lectures

Curriculum and Programs-Interdisciplinary Committee-May 2020 Report

20201106-Interdisciplinary Committee-Report-Curriculum-and-Programs

Committee Members


Role Name Company
Managing Director Kyle Spitznagel Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company
Co-chair Charlie Mallers Largo Concrete, Inc.
Faculty Representative Phil Barlow Construction Management
Faculty Representative Mark Montoya Construction Management
Rick Pomeroy W.E. O’Neil Construction
Nick LaFollette Shaw Construction
Sean Graff CSI Construction
Mike Thompson Howard Building Corporation
Erich Klemme Barry-Wehmiller Design Group
Dara Lin Design Draw Build
Deidre Brearley Haskell
Thomas Camargo Quiring General, LLC.