Alumni Engagement & Membership


The Alumni Engagement & Membership Committee actively recruits graduating students, encouraging their participation in CMAC. Moreover, it provides targeted support to young alumni, specifically those within five years of graduating from the Construction Management Department. Simultaneously, the committee advertises and promotes CMAC membership among interested and eligible entities and individuals. This effort particularly targets current graduates and recently graduated alumni, focusing on aligning inclusion efforts with organizational scalability. This committee performs the following functions:

  1. Advertise and promote membership in the CMAC among interested and eligible entities and individuals.
  2. Report to the Board on such actions needed to promote the goals related to alumni engagement and membership growth.
  3. Provide valuable input to the Board, the officers, and to the other Standing Committees from the perspective of current students and recent graduates of the Construction Management Department.
  4. Promote, plan, and conduct related events and programs that align with the mission and goals of CMAC.

Committee Members


Role Name Company
Managing Director Jason Sommers Cahill Contractors
Co-Chair Reagan Milligan Blach Construction
Faculty Representative Jeong Woo Cal Poly Construction Management
Reagan Milligan Blach Construction Company
Bill Johal Kitchell
Jeremy Lopez Technical Builders
Breanne Forster Turner Construction
Jason Sommers Cahill Contractors LLC
Scott Murfey Murfey Company, Inc.
Veda Guillermo Abbott Reed
Jeff Hadley Hadley General Contractors, Inc.
Deidre Brearley HASKELL
Peter Loeb Shawmut Design and Construction
Erin Overaa Overaa Construction
Bret Firebaugh Pankow Builders
Marcus Staniford XL Construction
Tim Bolton Hanover Company
Mike Drake Holder Construction
Linsey Vaquerano Underground Construction Company, Inc
Thomas Rogerd Cahill Contractors
Sam D’Avanzo XL Construction
Jerod Creese XL Construction
Bruce Daseking McGuire and Hester
Michael Schussel Quiring General
Ryan Strong Anvil Builders Inc
Torrie Peth JB PACIFIC
Matteo Cuccaro Build Group Inc
madison lightfoot Carmel Partners
Ryan Preciado JB Pacific
Luke Z Martin McCarthy Building Companies
Severin Elste Morris Inc
Kristen Forster PCL Construction
Sarah Smith PCL Construction
Matthew Howell PCL Construction Industrial
Brendan Moynahan PCL Construction
Kobe Tooch Prevost Construction
Alex Jones Redwood Electric Group
Catie Dines Swinerton
Gavin Beadle Swinerton
Reed Aitken Swinerton
Carsen Quick Swinerton
Matthew Keeth Truebeck Construction
Peter Riley Truebeck Construction
Reagan Tonda Turner
Rob Dasch XL Construction
Josh De Mattei De Mattei Construction
Thai Nguyen PCL Construction

We are excited to share an opportunity to join our mentorship program connecting students, young and veteran alumni members to grow the next generation of our industry.   This program will create opportunities for members to engage in small groups, or one-on-one settings, to share experiences and perspectives, ask for advice, and build a stronger CM community.

Students and Young alumni will benefit having 1-on-1 interactions from veteran alumni with insight and guidance. Having a mentor outside your organization can stimulate more genuine conversations around challenges and solutions. Mentors too can benefit understanding different perspectives and expectations from the younger group. We anticipate this program strengthening the CMAC relationship with the students who are graduating and recent graduates. which will lead to enhancing our industry and Cal Poly!

Please use the following links to register for the program. Registration will capture enough information to observe common interest groups. Mentees will be connected with recommended Mentors through periodical virtual calls